Helping dentists in times of crisis

The Smile Source Foundation is a beacon of resilience and support for private practice dentists facing hardships that temporarily close their practices. As a 501(c)(3) charity, The Smile Source Foundation extends a helping hand to dentists during difficult times, ensuring they have a path forward when unforeseen events disrupt their ability to serve patients.

Smile Source helps dentists

Where We Have Helped

Fire Maui
Maui Fires
Flood Houston
Houston Floods
Tree Down
Mississippi Storm Damage

Community over Competition

Funded by generous contributions from Smile Source members and vendor partners, The Smile Source Foundation embodies the spirit of community and compassion within the dental profession. Guided by a board of directors that includes Smile Source members and employees, it operates with deep understanding and commitment to helping dentists.

helping hands

If you or a fellow dentist is in need, the Smile Source Foundation is here to help.
Please contact our Member Success team to be considered for a Smile Source Foundation grant.

Together, we keep the smiles going.